Desire Can Change Who You Are.


“Desire can change who you are”

This is a line from This Beautiful Republic’s song Casting Off. And, I love it because it has been so true in my life.

At the beginning of the school year in 2007, Martin Flaming, who is the leader of our youth group, challenged us each to pray and ask God to change our hearts toward something. I prayed for 3 things.

1. That He would change my heart in regard to the Bible

2. About Prayer

3. And about the lost.

And, our God is so good because He answered each of those in amazing ways. So many changes in my life have come about since the days of that prayer. Desiring to read God’s Word has changed me. Desiring to Pray to God has changed me. And, desiring to reach the lost has changed me. God is Sovereign.

I am going to be praying that I would desire God above all. We’ll see what He does. I know that it is going to be amazing. I will keep you posted.

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord my Rock, and my Redeemer.     Psalms 19:14

3 thoughts on “Desire Can Change Who You Are.

  1. Russ Bishop

    Hi Amy. I think desire plays an incredible role in our ability to change, or should I say, God’s ability to change us.

    I would also add that desire is essential to change who we are.
    As the Holy Spirit works in us and we yield to God, we see our sin like never before and see how much we need God to work in us.

    I believe that continually placing our lives before God allows grace to be released to us, therefore causing a holy desire.

    great blog. maybe alittle bias :-)

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